Free Speech on the Hoe 4

Single Issue

Mr Carter repeated his opinion that handing out pro-life leaflets on the Hoe is inappropriate.

Then he repeated his opinion that pro-life campaigners are single issue zealots.

Then he insulted Christine Hudson by thanking her for proving him right.

Abortion Ethics

WITH reference to the claim it was innapropriate to distribute anti-abortion leaflets as the Olympic flame passed through Plymouth, I would like to agree with every word by Christine Hudson (Your say, July 10th).

It is regrettable that D Carter (Your Say, July 12th) seems to have missed her main point and ridiculous for him to claim she was attempting to change the subject, so I shall rephrase her main argument.

Because babies in the womb have no legal protection and who can be put to death at any time, it is utterly appropriate to invoke the Olympic spirit of fair play by suggesting all human beings should have the protection of the law.

The humanity of the unborn child is not just relevant to the issue raised by D Carter; it is the reason why he is wrong.

I would remind readers that being handicapped is not an excuse for putting innocent human beings to death. As the Paralympic Flame Procession takes place in Plymouth, perhaps readers would consider this matter.

B J Toolan

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